Monday, January 12, 2009

Eastons 1st 7 weeks of life.

Since we are using this Blog as a family journal for years to come. I wanted to save this graph in one of our posts so I can take it down on the sidebar. It still blows my mind to see the chart. How does a baby that is born at 2 lbs and 1 oz and actually dip down to 1 lb and 9 oz survive? Easton not only survived but had no complications. 4 weeks before he was born, Doctors were preparing us with having a Down Syndrome baby because he only had 2 vessels in the umbilical cord instead of 3. Maybe because we were ok with that is why we were upbeat at the Hospital and in NICU for the coming weeks.

From December Pics
Here is Easton next to Cayden Daich who was born a month after Easton but was still born a month early and was 5 lbs 5 oz. Just to give some perspective to some of you.


Ashlee said...

You know with your other ones where you will say something like this...."I wish you would just stay this size for ever." I am sure you now say just keep growing you are doing good. It funny how our perspectives change after we go through different things in our lifes. It good to see that he just keeps doing better and better. Keep it up you are a great MOTHER!

Anonymous said...

Easton is so cute and looks tiny next to the ohter tiny baby! It is funny to see how small he really is. I am so glad that things went so smoothly for you and that Easton was so blessed during the first few weeks of his little life.

breque said...

I am so happy to see that your sweet little Easton is growing and doing well. I have two kids and feel exhausted, I cannot even imagine how you feel.

Merrill Family said...

Scott, I just wanted to say thank you for your comment for Brett's memory book. That was really sweet of you. Your family is darling. Just as a side note, your little Easton is DARLING. I happen to be a NICU nurse, so I bond with little babies! I hope he continues to do well.

Jake and Cher Sever said...

Wow look how grown up Easton looks even being so much smaller!
What cuties! He surely is a miracle!!