Thursday, January 8, 2009

I've been tagged...

I know that I have been needing an update on here about our holidays and Easton... We have been so busy, and now that I can update the blog I have no pictures because Scott has the camera... I will do an update tonight.. I promise!!

5 Things I was doing 10 years ago...
1. I had been driving for 4 months and thought I was pretty cool!
2. Early morning drill team practice!!!
3. Drill team competitions!!!
4. Working for my dad @ Pretzelmaker.
5. Loving that I could date because I was 16!!!

5 Things on my "to do list" today...
1. Go to the gym
2. Get some laundry done
3. Update my blog
4. Clean my house
5. Go grocery shopping

5 Snacks I Love...
Only 5? This is going to be hard...
1. Chocolate
2. Jelly Beans
3. Chips and salsa
4. Swedish Fish
5. Ice cream

5 Things I would do if I was a billionaire...
1. Get a maid!!!
2. Do whatever I wanted!!
3. Travel the world
4. Give to Charity
5. Invest

5 Friends that I will tag...

If you read this a think that it would be fun to do go for it... Have fun!!


Tina said...

Alright Teish,
the whole 10 years ago thing really makes me feel old! Just another reminder of how young my friends really are! Fun getting to know you better!

The Flitton's said...

We had a lot of fun with you guys out in Utah. Thanks for the good times. I am still planning to kidnap Easton, so watch out!

Jana and Family said...

I too must say, your ten years is so much different than my ten years. Wow. I don't usually feel old.

Mary Ann said...

Me too. I was just telling Stacy that 10 years ago, I was still 10 years older than you are now. Whoa!